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As I slowly but surely lean into being a more conscious consumer, I’m aware of, but not a slave to trends. I rather believe that each of us can find harmony, balance, and lasting enjoyment when our homes complement and reflect our lifestyles, personalities, and desires.


I also believe we can harness an incredible, authentic sense of individulised style as we become truly conscious of our choices. Conscious intention behind our choices, as custodians of our homes and its contents, for the makers of those items, and our planet’s natural resources used to produce them.


As a well-travelled South African, I’m intrigued by the influences that establish varying principles of design around the globe. While for many décor has become a choice of fast décor over long-lasting, for others it has not. It’s the "others” I call my people. Yet no matter where you settle on the sustainability spectrum, shared joie de vivre for one’s home is enough to close the gap.


In the nineties, I built a fashion brand of my own designed pieces that happily lasted 15+ years for some of my customers. In the same period, I furnished my first home with then vintage living room swivel chairs, and telephone tables (straight from the mid-century modern era, which still influence my choices). I’ve long loved items with history and a story to tell. Now I’m taking this love, passion, and good eye into the world of interior design.


My time living in South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and now the US has developed and solidified my devotion to pre-owned décor pieces. Not only can vintage and pre-loved items be cheaper, but their quality often superior and singularly different from off the shelf items.


I’ve lent my voice to publications like GLAM, Qatar’s leading fashion magazine and completed certifications in becoming a vegan lifestyle coach, certified health coach, and plant-based home chef. A jack of all trades, all under the large umbrella of more sustainable living.


Being a lover of diverse experiences, my family and I enjoy homes in various locations around the US and abroad. The opportunity to design around their locations, history and cultural influences is a study of life!


I’ve heard excitement is contagious, and I really hope that’s true. Because I am very excited to share my passion and lessons learnt with you!

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